Call us at Quick Response TEXT 330-839-2078
Call us at Quick Response TEXT 330-839-2078
Equipping individuals with the critical skills necessary to navigate life outside of jail or prison is a key component of our in-prison treatment. Our curriculum includes job and skills training, cognitive behavioral treatment that targets criminal thinking, and classes that promote pro-social habits. Delivering the right reentry service at the right time saves money and enhances outcomes. The Meta-Morphosis continuing of care is enhanced by in-custody offender rehabilitation programming, integrated with post-release support services.
Immediately upon release Meta-Morphosis mentors transport the juvenille to their furnished apartment with financial and mentoring support. A plan for success and employment developed prior to release is implemented. Within a short period job interviews lead to gainful employment. Transportation is provided until the youth is able to purchase a vehicle from their earnings. Regular ongoing interaction and encoursage is provided almost daily.
Mentoring can reduce recidivism by preparing offenders for their transition back home, increasing the likelihood they will become productive community members leaving criminal activity behind. Financial, daily social norms, interpersonal skills and work ethics are promoted. Introductions to positive persons and environments are facilitated. Mentors are retired military and retired business professionals, equipped to implement good social values and structure. A positive role model. Positive reinforcement is delivered for pro-social behavior, and consequences are clear and firmly applied for non-compliance.
Meta-Morphosis moves juvenille into a furnished apartment with peer and counselor support. The first stage of implementing the personal plan for re-entry success developed prior to release commences.
A daily plan commences with counselor interaction and support. The approprite daily activities, disciplines and some free time begin. Particularly with job search tasks and preparations for interviews. Interactions with positive envrionmental peer groups enhane appropriate choices for behaviors and tasks. Transportation is provided as required.
Financial assistance eliminates financial pressures for a few months as employment eventually provides needed month income. Peer group and counsellors continue to assist with budgeting and managing money.
Meta-Morphosis facilitates acquiring a drivers license; pre-employment education such as acquiring a CDL license via a certified educations program. Counseling and role playing for job interviews and other interpersonal interactions. Former juvenillies from dysfunctional families learn societal norms for behavior, communciation and two-way dialogue.
Each juvinille is never abandoned and received frequent weekly interactions with counselors to provide continue hope, encouragement and facilitate continuance of personal plan goals and behaviors leading to succeessful re-entry, permanent employment and an opportunity for family.
Meta-Morphosis will provide other components of re-entry assistance.
To detail the general sequence of assistance with steps and achievement the youth implements to achieve successful re-entry including employment and appropriate peer group interaction